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KLINBEFORSKs programmidler tildeles etter anbefaling av innstillingsliste fra programstyret og påfølgende vedtak i møte mellom de administrerende direktørene for de regionale helseforetakene. Vedtaket utføres normalt i løpet av november måned.


Nedenfor gis det en oversikt over prosjekter som har oppnådd finansiering gjennom KLINEBFORSK siden programmets oppstart i 2016. Prosjektene er gruppert i nedtrekksmenyen etter utlysningsår. 

Tildeling etter åpen utlysning i 2023:

Tittel Prosjektleder Koordinerende institusjon Sum (

The effect of topical tranexamic acid on postoperative complications in soft tissue plastic surgery. A multicenter randomized controlled trial 

Kjersti Ausen St. Olavs Hospital HF 9,6

Multicentre triple blind, placebo controlled, parallel group studies of atorvastatin in respectively episodic and chronic migraine

Knut Hagen St. Olavs Hospital HF 13,2

Candesartan for prevention of cluster headache (CandClus2):  Two multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled, triple blind studies in patients with the episodic or the chronic form

Erling Andreas Tronvik St. Olavs Hospital HF 19,9

Surgery versus Endoscopic Resection for Incompletely Removed Early Colon CAnceR - the SCAR trial 

Michael Bretthauer Oslo universitetssykehus HF 20,0

Scandinavian trial of Uncomplicated Aortic Dissection Therapy (SUNDAY Trial)

Eric Dorenberg Oslo universitetssykehus HF   10,9

The Safety of Intravenous thrombolysis in acute ischemic stroke patients with recent ingestion of Factor Xa-inhibitors Trial

Guri Hagberg Oslo universitetssykehus HF   20,0

Antibiotic therapy in viral airway infections

Magnus Nakrem Lyngbakken Akershus universitetssykehus HF 17,5

PALLiative radiotherapy in symptomatic pelvic SOFT tissue tumors (PALLSOFT)

Harald Bull Ragnum Sykehuset Telemark HF   20,0





Tildeling etter åpen utlysning i 2022:
Tittel Prosjektleder Koordinerende institusjon Sum (
Comprehensive Evaluation of Two Second-Line Therapies for Immune Thrombocytopenia – a Registry-Based Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial Waleed Ghanima Sykehuset Østfold 19,9
CRISPR-Cas9 gene therapy for STAT1 Gain-of-Function disease Emma Haapaniemi Oslo universitetssykehus 19,9
The NORwegian atrial fibrillation self-SCREENing trial (NORSCREEN Sigrun Halvorsen Oslo universitetssykehus 19,7
Can SGLT2 Inhibition Preserve Structure and Function in Transplanted Kidneys? Trond Geir Jenssen Oslo universitetssykehus 17,6
CAR-T cell therapy targeting Ewing Sarcoma Jon Amund Kyte Sykehuset i Vestfold 19,8
Prospective comparison of sirolimus against corticosteroids in treatment of patients with active thyroid eye disease Hans Olav Ueland Helse Bergen 19,8


Tildeling til prioriterte områder i 2022:

Tittel Prosjektleder Koordinerende institusjon Sum (
The Covideo study Einar Røshol Heiervang Sykehuset Innlandet 18,4
Comparing enhanced cognitive-behavior therapy and family-based treatment for adolescents with an eating disorder: a non-inferiority randomized controlled trial Øyvind Rø Oslo universitetssykehus 20,0
​Interventions against long COVID in Norway – ReCover Nina Langeland Helse Bergen 20,0

Tildeling etter utlysning i 2021:


Tittel Prosjektleder Koordinerende institusjon Sum (mill. kr)
SAINT: SAfe INduction of labor Trial Trond Melbye Michelsen Oslo universitetssykehus 20,0
Registry-based randomized trial of glucocorticoid replacement in adrenal insufficiency Eystein Sverre Husebye Helse Bergen 12,3
NO-PARK: a phase II randomized controlled trial of nicotinamide riboside in early Parkinson’s disease Charalampos Tzoulis Helse Bergen 20,0
Painful Inflammatory Carpometacarpal-1 OsteoArthritis Treated with Intraarticular Steroids, Saline or Occupational therapy: The PICASSO trial Ida Kristin Haugen Diakonhjemmet sykehus AS 18,7
A randomized, controlled, multicenter clinical trial of immediate tumor-directed therapy versus initial conservative management in older patients with non-metastatic, high-risk prostate cancer Sven Löffeler Sykehuset i Vestfold 19,3

Behovsidentifisert forskning:

Tittel Prosjektleder Koordinerende institusjon Sum (
Kirurgisk behandling av lipødem Hildur Skuladottir Haraldsplass Diakonale Sykehus 20,0
eBATTLE Obesity (eHealth BehAvioral TreaTment of adoLEscent Obesity - 2-month low-energy-diet followed by 1-yr cognitive behavioral therapy with or without semaglutide) Jøran Hjelmesæth Sykehuset i Vestfold 20,0



Ekstraordinær bevilgning over Statsbudsjettet 2021:

Tittel Prosjektleder Koordinerende institusjon Sum (
RAM-MS Lars Bø Haukeland universitetssykehus 20,0
IMPRESS-Norway Åslaug Helland Oslo universitetssykehus 10,0

Tittel Prosjektleder Koordinerende institusjon Sum (
Randomized trial investigating the survival benefit of adding thoracic radiotherapy to durvalumab plus platinum and etoposide in extensive stage small-cell lung cancer Bjørn Henning Grønberg St. Olavs hospital 19.3
Evaluation of a Norwegian model of an Intensive Habilitation Program for young Children with early Brain Damage – a multicentre Randomized Controlled Trial Jon Sverre Skranes Sørlandet sykehus 19.8
The NO-ALS Study. Effect of Nikotinamide Riboside and Pterostilben in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Ole-Bjørn Tysnes Helse Bergen 18.9
Alpha 2 adrenergic receptor agonists for the prevention of delirium and cognitive decline after open heart surgery (ALPHA2PREVENT): randomised controlled trial Torgeir Bruun Wyller Oslo universitetssykehus 19.7
TENecteplase in Central Retinal Artery Occlusion Study (TenCRAOS): A randomised-controlled, double-dummy, double-blind trial of tenectecteplase vs. ASA for CRAO Anne Hege Aamodt Oslo universitetssykehus 6.3
IMPRESS-Norway – Improving public cancer care by implementing precision medicine in Norway Åslaug Helland Oslo universitetssykehus 50.0

Tittel Prosjektleder Koordinerende institusjon Sum (
Study of mesenchymal autologous stem cells as regenerative treatment for multiple sclerosis (SMART-MS) Lars Bø Helse Bergen 12.3
Ocrelizumab vs Rituximab off-label at the onset of relapsing MS disease: The OVERLORD MS-study Kjell-Morten Myhr Helse Bergen 19.2
The Norwegian Tenecteplase Stroke Trial 2 (NOR-TEST 2) Halvor Næss Helse Bergen 19.9
Durvalumab after radiotherapy - the DART-study Åslaug Helland Oslo universitetssykehus 14.2
Faecal transplantation for irritable bowel syndrome - first Phase III clinical trial Rasmus Goll Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge 19.4
Repeated advanced cognitive training in MCI (the REACT-MCI study) Susanne M. Sørensen Hernes Sørlandet sykehus 19.8
Improving treatment of anterior curciate ligament tears in NORWAY with register-RCTs Rune Bruhn Jacobsen Akershus universitetssykehus 17.8
Dietary interventio to delay deterioration if neuronal function in Ataxia Telangiectasia Hilde Nilsen Akershus universitetssykehus 6.4
Ambroxol in early and prodromal Dementia with Lewybodies Arvid Rongve Helse Fonna HF 20.0

Tittel Prosjektleder Koordinerende institusjon Sum (
The Norwegian Trial of Physical Exercise After Myocardial Infarction - NOREx Kåre Bønaa St. Olavs hospital 20.0
Acceptance and commitment therapy with and without enhanced mindfulness training for chronic pain: A randomized controlled efficacy and mediator study Petter Christian Borchgrevink St. Olavs hospital 19.9
Proteasome blockade to sensitize glioblastoma with unmethylated MGMT promoter to temozolomide chemotherapy Dorota Goplen Helse Bergen 15.8
Fecal Transplantation for Primary Clostridium Difficile Infection Michael Bretthauer Oslo universitetssykehus 19.9
Urine based surveillance of bladder cancer patients Guro E. Lind Oslo universitetssykehus 20.0
The ReSScue study; clinical and mechanistic effects of transplanting a standard cultivated gut microbiome in patients with Systemic Sclerosis Øyvind Molberg Oslo universitetssykehus 19.0
The REMNANT study – does early treatment of relapse increase survival in myeloma? Fredrik H. Schjesvold Oslo universitetssykehus 20.0

Tittel Prosjektleder Koordinerende institusjon Sum (
Sphenopalatine ganglion block in chronic migraine (MIBLOCK) Anders Mattias Linde St. Olavs hospital 18.7
Innovative steroid treatment to reduce asthma development in first-time rhinovirus induced wheezing – INSTAR Henrik Døllner St. Olavs hospital 20.0
Immunotherapy for Hematological Malignancies- A Path to Cure Henrik Hjorth-Hansen St. Olavs hospital 5.7
Changing the specialist mental health care Gerd Kvale Helse Bergen 20.0
Improved prediction of outcome by global strain and mechanical dispersion in patients with myocardial infarction, heart failure and primary prophylactic internal defibrillator Thor Edvardsen Oslo universitetssykehus 17.8
BEta-Blocker Treatment after Acute Myocardial Infarction in revascularized patients with preserved left ventricular systolic function Dan Atar Oslo universitetssykehus 15.0
Establishment of Molecular profiling for Individual clinical routine Treatment decisions in Early Breast Cancer (EMIT) Bjørn Naume Oslo universitetssykehus 20.0
BACK-TO-BASIC - a study of the effect of infliximab on patients with long-term lower back pain and Modic changes John-Anker Zwart Oslo universitetssykehus 17.9

Tittel Prosjektleder Koordinerende institusjon Sum (
Tenecteplase in wake-up ischaemic stroke trial – TWIST Ellisiv B. Mathiesen Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge 15.5
A Phase 1b/2 clinical trial with Axl kinase inhibitor BGB324 in combination with Dabrafenib/Trametinib or Pembrolizumab in Metastatic Melanoma: Identification of predictive markers of response Oddbjørn Straume Helse Bergen 17.6
Randomized autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation vs. Alemtuzumab for patients with relapsing remitting Multiple sclerosis (RAM-MS) Lars Bø Helse Bergen 20.0
PRevention of cArdiac Dysfunction during Adjuvant breast cancer therapy (PRADA-2) Torbjørn Omland Akershus universitetssykehus 20.0
The Nor-DRUM STUDY: assessing the effectiveness of tailoring infliximab treatment by therapeutic drug monitoring Espen Andre Haavardsholm Diakonhjemmet Sykehus AS 12.4
The ASAC-study: Acetylsalisylic Acid as Secondary Prevention in Colorectal Cancer Bjørn Atle Bjørnbeth Oslo universitetssykehus 13.8
The Norwegian Antibiotics for Pneumonia in Children (NAPiC) study Håvard Ove Skjerven Oslo universitetssykehus 19.3